Supporting Client Credentials flow for BCC Apis


By default Directus only supports custom tokens and password flow for authenticating api requests. This document describes how to add support for client credentials flow.


  1. Creating a custom extension in Directus
  2. Add initial support for client credentials flow
  3. Scopes and documentation
  4. Building and testing

1. Creating a custom hook extension for Directus

To create a new extension run:

npx create-directus-extension@latest

then follow the prompts to match:

? Choose the extension type         -> hook
? Choose a name for the extension   -> auth-client-credentials
? Choose the language to use        -> typescript
? Auto install dependencies         -> Yes
✔ Done

For more information on how to create a custom extension in Directus, please refer to the official documentationopen in new window.

2. Add the logic for client credentials flow

  • Navigate into the newly created extension's directory then run the following command to install the required dependencies:
npm install jwks-rsa -S -D
npm install jsonwebtoken uuid --save-peer
  • Now open the src/index.ts file. Replace the content with the following code:
import { defineHook } from '@directus/extensions-sdk';
import jwksRsa from 'jwks-rsa';
import jwt, { JwtPayload } from 'jsonwebtoken';
import { Accountability } from '@directus/types';
import { NIL, v5 } from 'uuid';

export default defineHook(({ filter, action }, { env, services, getSchema }) => {
	const { UsersService } = services;
	const issuer = env['BCC_AUTH_ISSUER'];
	const audience = env['BCC_AUTH_AUDIENCE'];

	if (!audience || !issuer) throw new Error(`Missing audience or issuer`);

	const algorithms: jwt.Algorithm[] = ['RS256'];

	const JwksClient = jwksRsa({
		cache: true,
		rateLimit: true,
		jwksRequestsPerMinute: 10,
		// Note: Add forward slash if your issuer doesn't have it
		jwksUri: `${issuer}.well-known/jwks.json`,

	filter('authenticate', async (accountabilityIn, meta, context) => {
		const { req } = meta as { req: Request & { token: string } };
		if (!req.token) return accountabilityIn;

		const decoded = jwt.decode(req.token, { complete: true });
		if (!decoded?.payload) return accountabilityIn;

		const payload = decoded?.payload as JwtPayload & {
			iss: string;
			aud: string;
			gty: string; // Grant type
			sub: string; // Auth0 ClientId
			scope: string;

		// We only support client credentials
		if (payload.gty !== 'client-credentials') return accountabilityIn;
		if (payload.iss !== issuer || payload.aud !== audience) return accountabilityIn;

		try {
			const key = await JwksClient.getSigningKey(decoded.header.kid);

			jwt.verify(req.token, key.getPublicKey(), { audience, issuer, algorithms });
		} catch (err) {
			return accountabilityIn;

		const scopes = payload.scope.split(' ')
		// Change this to the scope you want to check
    // Optionally map different scopes to different roles
		if (!scopes.includes('my_service#read')) return accountabilityIn;

		const { database } = context;
		const schema = await getSchema();
		const usersSvc = new UsersService({ knex: database, schema });

		const identifier = payload.sub;
		const userId = v5(identifier, NIL);

		const user = await usersSvc
			.readOne(userId, {
				fields: ['id', 'role', 'last_access', 'organizations.organization'],
			.catch(() => null);

		// Orgs have been changed to uids and since we don't have that we disable this for now
		const issuedAtDate = payload.iat ? new Date(payload.iat * 1000) : new Date();

		if (!user) {
			await usersSvc.createOne({
				id: userId,
				provider: 'bcc-client-credentials',
				first_name: 'External',
				last_name: 'Client',
				external_identifier: identifier,
				last_access: issuedAtDate.toISOString(),
		} else {
			const updateUser: any = {};
			if (new Date(user.last_access) !== issuedAtDate) {
				updateUser.last_access = issuedAtDate.toISOString();

			if (user.role !== role) {
				updateUser.role = role;

			if (Object.keys(updateUser).length > 0) {
				await usersSvc.updateOne(userId, updateUser);

		return Object.assign({}, accountabilityIn, {
			user: userId,
			role: role,
			roles: [role],
		} as Accountability);

3. Scopes and documentation

The scopes you have defined in your hook, need to be added to the Core Api documentation. It is a good idea to contact the core team if your api is going to be apart of the bcc api. eg.

4. Building and testing

Please refer to the official documentation on building-your-extensionopen in new window

You would either have to add it to your Dockerfile or install it locally.


FROM directus/directus:11.x.y

USER root
RUN corepack enable
USER node

COPY ./auth-client-credentials ./auth-client-credentials
RUN pnpm install ./auth-client-credentials


npm install ./auth-client-credentials

Read here for more general info on installing-extensionsopen in new window

Older Directus Versions

This guide assumes you are running at least Directus 11. If you are running Directus 9 or 10, you will have to adjust the return of the hook to match the expected format.